First, a blanket apology to all of you who have emailed over the last week or so. You have sent a ton of great questions. I wish I had time to answeRead More…
Demystifying the art and science of pre-election polling – By Mark Blumenthal
First, a blanket apology to all of you who have emailed over the last week or so. You have sent a ton of great questions. I wish I had time to answeRead More…
Of the two complaints about the Gallup likely voter (LV) model I covered in the last post, the first (that the selection procedure does not perfectly Read More…
In the last post I covered how the Gallup likely voter model works. In this post, I want to review criticisms of the model. An Imperfect Predictor?Read More…
So how do pollsters select likely voters? The best place to start is the Gallup likely voter model, the granddaddy of them all. Gallup is also wortRead More…
So admit it. At least once a day, possibly more often, you’ve been checking in on the various rolling-average tracking surveys. Most of us are. IfRead More…
Since the second installment of this series was a bit complex and abstract, even for me, I thought we might take a break and look at the difference bRead More…
Okay, we know from Part I that survey designed to forecast an election should ideally focus on those who actually vote and ignore non-voters. We alsoRead More…
Before exploring the "how" of selecting likely voters, I want to explore the "why." Why do we care about selecting "likRead More…
Perhaps because I spend more time writing a blog these days and less time reading them, but I have seen very little attention given to this fact: In Read More…
One more puzzle I can help demystify: Those ever so slightly variant numbers from the Washington Post and ABC News, the numbers based on the same datRead More…