The “Reluctant Bush Responder” Theory Refuted?
First, my apologies for not posting yesterday. The Inauguration was also a federal holiday, which meant no child care in my household and a day of beRead More…
Demystifying the art and science of pre-election polling – By Mark Blumenthal
First, my apologies for not posting yesterday. The Inauguration was also a federal holiday, which meant no child care in my household and a day of beRead More…
I wanted to read the full 77 pages of the Edison/Mitofsky report in full before weighing in. It took much of the day, but here are some first imRead More…
I am likely to be on ABC’s Nightline tonight. This evening’s broadcast, barring other "breaking news," will examine the various questiRead More…
A bit of breaking news: The full 77-page "evaluation" of the exit polls prepared by the firms that conducted the exit polls was releasRead More…
This morning, USA Today’s Mark Memmott reports that this week, Edison/Mitofsky, the firm that conducted the National Election Pool (NEP) exit polls, &Read More…
And now for something completely different….
Just for a change of pace, let’s shift from a topic as serious as election reform to something as triviRead More…
This site aims to be about political polling and opinion surveys, not about voting irregularities or election reform. Nonetheless, since the controverRead More…
Tonight I want to take up some additional questions readers have asked about the new exit poll data, specifically those about the regional compositioRead More…
[UPDATE: The original version of this post included a small error that may have added to the confusion on this issue. See my correctRead More…
An alert and loyal reader (thanks DC) tipped me off to a very gratifying honor for this not quite four-month-old blog: Mystery Pollster has beenRead More…