NEP to Release Edison/Mitofsky Report?
This morning, USA Today’s Mark Memmott reports that this week, Edison/Mitofsky, the firm that conducted the National Election Pool (NEP) exit polls, &Read More…
Demystifying the art and science of pre-election polling – By Mark Blumenthal
This morning, USA Today’s Mark Memmott reports that this week, Edison/Mitofsky, the firm that conducted the National Election Pool (NEP) exit polls, &Read More…
This site aims to be about political polling and opinion surveys, not about voting irregularities or election reform. Nonetheless, since the controverRead More…
Tonight I want to take up some additional questions readers have asked about the new exit poll data, specifically those about the regional compositioRead More…
[UPDATE: The original version of this post included a small error that may have added to the confusion on this issue. See my correctRead More…’s Farhad Manjoo has an excellent article, "More Fun With Exit Polls," out today on the continuing controversy that MP has beRead More…
Today’s must read for polling junkies is undoubtedly the exchange between Warren Mitofsky and Mickey Kaus (on the "smoking gun" item I bloggRead More…
About those newly leaked exit poll numbers. Early this morning, Mickey Kaus linked to my earlier post the recently leaked exit poll documents and declRead More…
Looks like my New Year’s resolution to change the subject won’t last through my first day back. As those who read the comments on this blog probablyRead More…
After my post last week, which argued that the deceiving Kerry “leads” in four battleground states fell well short of statistical significance requirRead More…
This post is another summary that mostly ties together various items I’ve covered separately, but also adds some new material. We know that the exit Read More…