In the busy run-up to a long needed vacation, I have not had a chance to write about the new Quinnipiac Connecticut poll released last week. However, I did want to note (and promote) the very helpful comment from reader Alan that provides some very helpful information for those scrutinizing the results of that survey by party ID (which seems to be just about everyone):
In Quinnipiac’s August 17, 2006 poll in Connecticut, the results are reported by party affiliation, but don’t include the % of total respondents in each party, making it difficult to tell how much the Democrat, Republican and Independent voters weigh in the totals.
In case anyone else is looking for this, I asked Quinnipiac if they could provide this information, and this is what they gave me:
Generally speaking, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat an Independent, or what?
Republican 25%
Democrat 36
Independent 34
Other 4
Thanks Alan!