A Personal Note

Legacy blog posts MP Housekeeping

I hesitate to discuss personal matters here, but I want to explain the lack of posts today: Unfortunately, my nearly two-year old daughter, who had been running a fever all weekend, had to be admitted to a hospital early this morning with a nasty case of pneumonia. As I type these words she is sleeping comfortably (at last), the monitor over her bed shows her vital signs slowly returning to near normal, Cheney and Edwards quietly spar on the television hanging on the wall and her Mommy and Daddy are finally beginning to relax after a very trying day.

Needless to say, I’ve been a bit distracted the last 24 hours. I may post something later this evening, as I’m not likely to sleep much in this hospital room, but no promises. Many thanks for your patience.

Mark Blumenthal

Mark Blumenthal is political pollster with deep and varied experience across survey research, campaigns, and media. The original "Mystery Pollster" and co-creator of Pollster.com, he explains complex concepts to a multitude of audiences and how data informs politics and decision-making. A researcher and consultant who crafts effective questions and identifies innovative solutions to deliver results. An award winning political journalist who brings insights and crafts compelling narratives from chaotic data.